Attorney John R. Mathias

An Attorney

That You Can Always Talk To

Facts About Elderly Slip and Fall Accidents

On Behalf of | Jun 30, 2023 | Personal Injury

Although slip and fall accidents can be dangerous for all demographics, they pose the biggest threat to victims who are 65 years or older. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one in four elderly adults falls annually, but less than half report the incident to a doctor. This can be significantly life-altering for older adults because recovery isn’t as easy as it is for younger victims.

Preventing Elderly Slip and Fall Accidents

The National Safety Council suggests a few things businesses can do to protect older people from slipping and falling on their premises. Their suggestions include:

  • Placing non-skid rugs at entrances.
  • Maintain the rugs put down- they make the business look nice but can sometimes be hazardous for elderly people.
  • Always clean up spills immediately.
  • Place hand guards where necessary.
  • Secure phone cords and electrical wires.
  • Discard any tripping hazards that may be at doors or walkways right away.
  • Maintain the outdoors and parking lots.
  • Install proper lighting.
  • Run frequent safety checks throughout the year.

Dealing with Elderly Slip and Falls

After a slip and fall accident has occurred on another person’s property, a personal injury lawyer should be contacted right away. This will not only help you fully understand the details of your case but also ensure you take proper action before the statute of limitation for your case expires. The injured individual should also seek medical attention as soon as possible to avoid injuries worsening. Medical expenses for these types of accidents can be high and could continue for many years after the accident, especially for older people.

We Can Help

Here at The Law Offices of John R. Mathias, P.A., we understand that slip and fall accidents can be not only stressful but challenging to deal with, especially when recovering from injuries resulting from the accident. It is our top priority to help you get the justice you deserve while taking the time you need to recover from your accident adequately. With years of experience handling cases like yours, our team of skilled attorneys has what it takes to fight for your rights. Let us be your voice.

To review the details of your case with a team member, contact our office today at 727-362-2122 or visit us online and fill out a form. We look forward to representing you.

