Attorney John R. Mathias

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The Law Offices of John R. Mathias, P.A., Legal Blog

3 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring an Attorney for Your Slip and Fall-Related Injuries

Sorting out the legal elements after sustaining an injury from a slip and fall accident can be stressful for anyone. This is why it’s essential to work with a skilled personal injury attorney and ensure you are working with the right personal injury attorney for your case. When finding the right attorney for your case, being prepared adequately can benefit…

Autumn Slip and Fall Injury Hazards

Fall can be a beautiful time of the year as the temperatures begin to cool down and the leaves begin to change colors. However, just like other seasons throughout the year, there are slip and fall hazards everyone should be aware of. Our slip and fall attorneys have compiled a list of autumn slip and fall-related dangers to help you…

Filing a Slip and Fall Accident Claim

When someone sustains an injury due to slipping or tripping on someone else’s property, the property owner can be at risk of being held liable. Property owners have a duty of care to keep their property reasonably safe and fix or adequately warn trespassers of any hazardous conditions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of…

Most Common Summertime Slip and Fall Accidents

Although slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere, there is a heightened risk of suffering injuries from these accidents in the summer. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated three million people are hospitalized annually for slip and fall-related injuries. Proper education and preventative measure are essential when avoiding slip and fall accidents in the summer.…

How to Treat Slip and Fall Injuries

How to Treat an Injury After a Fall Regardless of how you slip and fall on someone else’s property, there are essential steps that should be taken. People often associate falling with the older demographic, but according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 800,000 patients a year of all ages are hospitalized because of a fall injury, most…

What is a Slip and Fall Accident?

Slip and fall accidents are a type of premises liability claim that refers to a person slipping or tripping and falling on someone else’s property that typically results in an injury. Many hazardous conditions could cause someone to suffer injuries after a fall, some of which include: Wet/ Slippery Floors According to the National Floor Safety Institute, more than half…

Most Common Types of Premises Liability Claims

Premises liability refers to a property owner, landlord, or manager’s negligence that leads to an injury or loss. These injuries typically happen on residential and commercial property and often result in financial compensation. Types of Liability Claims Slip and fall. This is the most common form of a liability claim. These injuries are usually caused by hazardous conditions such as…

What is Premises Liability?

Premises liability is the property owner’s responsibility to maintain a relatively safe environment for people who come onto their property. Failure to uphold this safety standard could result in property owners and residents being liable for any accidents and injuries that occur on their property. Basic principles of a premises liability claim include: The property owner breached their duty of…

